About Us
Westlawn Elementary School addresses the needs of a diverse community of learners and promotes high academic expectations for our students. Teachers implement a wide range of high yield strategies to accommodate all learning styles. Teachers and specialists work closely together to provide an inclusive education for all students. Collaboration across programs provides resources and programs for all students.

Westlawn is committed to acknowledging individual worth, and instilling the values of responsibility and mutual respect. Outreach to the community includes community meetings with the principal, newsletters, frequent use of the Keep In Touch call -out system, Spanish and Vietnamese parent liaisons, and parent and child learning opportunities such as Family Literacy, Partners in Print, Family Math Night, Family Reading Night, Learning Fair, and Rising Stars. Our PTA, community, and Westlawn staff are working together to build an outdoor classroom for science exploration.
Westlawn Elementary School along with Fairfax County Public Schools offer a variety of resources designed to support the growth, wellness and education of our students. In fact, Westlawn is a 2017 recipient of the Golden Wellness Award.