Benchmark Assessments are Heading Home
This year, as part of our new Language Arts curriculum, all students will take an assessment at the end of each unit. These assessments help teachers see how students are progressing with grade-level skills. They include questions that cover different learning goals. The unit assessments are just one of many ways teachers check student progress.
Students will continue working on these skills throughout the year and are not expected to master all of them right away. Over time, as students practice and learn more, their assessment scores will improve. The results from these assessments help teachers know which areas students need more support in.
You can view your child’s unit assessment results in Benchmark Universe by logging on through Clever using your child’s username and password: Clever Login for Fairfax. You will see the unit assessment listed under Assignments. Click the book icon to open the unit assessment and navigate through the assignment to view the questions and responses. A video walkthrough of this process is embedded into the bottom of this article.
Your child will periodically take home a paper copy of their assessment results in Thursday folders. It shows the answer choice your child selected and the correct answer choice, but not the question or standards. To see the question, you will need to log into Benchmark as described. If you have any questions about the assessment, please contact your child's teacher.