Students Experience a Whole New World with a Nonfiction Book Tasting

By Alanna Dushok
January 22, 2024

Earlier this month, the sixth graders embarked on a thrilling literary adventure as they participated in a unique and engaging activity known as a "nonfiction book tasting." This event, held as part of their library/tech special, aimed to broaden their literary horizons and their understanding of available books with Dewey decimal system categorizations.

During the book tasting, students were presented with a diverse selection of (mostly) nonfiction books carefully curated to pique their interest and expand their knowledge across various subjects. From history and science to biographies and current events, the book tasting offered something for every curious mind. Poetry and myths/legends were also included in the book tasting since these categories are included in the Dewey decimal categorization of library materials.

During the book tasting students were invited to visit book bins placed on the library tables. Each bin featured a curated selection of books from one century of Dewey decimal numbers. As students browsed, they were invited to leave a sticky note on the cover of the books they considered, leaving an emoji with their reaction. The book covers and sticky notes were collected and are being treated as student interest data by librarian Ms. Heyer, who will use this feedback to help her shape her next nonfiction and poetry order.

If a student found a book that they wanted to borrow during the tasting, they were invited to check it out at the checkout desk with Ms. Vu, or put it on hold in Destiny Discover for a later date. Many students were surprised to learn that books such as the Guinness Book of World Records was available at the library, and several made plans to spend more time browsing the nonfiction collection in the future.

Students looking at nonfiction books from the 400s bin