Westlawn Featured in Division Newsletter SEL Monthly
Westlawn was recently featured in the January 2024 edition of SEL Monthly, the division-wide social and emotional learning e-newsletter published by FCPS SEL team. The newsletter is an in-house publication designed to be read by staff members across the division who are interested in and work with social and emotional learning initiatives in their buildings. We have reprinted the article below so the broader Westlawn community can read about this important work! Learn more about social and emotional learning in FCPS.
Westlawn Elementary has committed to building stronger relationships that enable authentic communication and partnership among all staff members--leveraging CASEL’s Guide to Schoolwide SEL with an emphasis on “Connect and Collaborate” is one component supporting their growth towards collective efficacy.
The core of this work happens during preplanned structured times throughout the year in what they deem to be “Classroom Community Cohorts.” These cohorts comprise various roles and grade-level staff who engage in opportunities to get to know one another and feel understood, share appreciation, discuss strategies, and take time to address experiences and challenges. Content is developed and created by the SEL coach and team based on several data points (behavioral database, teacher, student, and community feedback, ongoing exit tickets provided during cohort meetings, and the SEL screener). Conversations thus far have focused around “Setting Up for Success,” “Maintaining Foundations,” and “Strengthening Community.” They are excited to continue these cohorts and share their impact on the school’s culture and climate this year.